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Stained Santa Studio

・スbIntroduction・スbThe Student Reruitment・スbClassroom Introduction・スb

The student recruitment

Gary Nakamura
Teaching Professional

This is the 1st Japanese Stained Glass School which you can reserve the class to fit your life style.

To save you money and convenience, you may choose as many classes as you want and when you want them.

Beginners are always welcome.

This is a peony.
lesson contents
Lesson contents: Stained glass panel, Lamp, Mosaic, Fusing,
Dalle de verre, Sandblast, Painter, Burner work, Bead, etc.
class1:・ス@10:00AM - 12:30PM
class2:・ス@ 2:00PM - 4:30PM

Tuesday - Saturday
Each class 2.5 hours. Y2,500-

・スbIntroduction・スbThe Student Reruitment・スbClassroom Introduction・スb